Mauro Rosi – VANNI
Carpe Diem
(catch the moment)
Paolo Bindini – CANAL
Extremitates Aequalitates
(extremes meet)
Recognized as the heir of a tradition that has been handed down for many years, making famous places and characteristic works, veritable splits of eras and values, stolen from time through art, famous all over the world, MAURO VANNI has never ceased to always honor and faithfully with his talent, the place he has in it.
With an intense and authentic coloring, with a skilful contribution of lines, perfectly inflicted by the expert hand, and a straightforward and refined style of evidence, the author combines in his paintings, depicting squares and monuments and streets of his beloved ROME the technical merit of the portraitist and the romantic glance of an “en plein air” painter that distinguish him.
He was born and lives in Rome where he still works in his home studio.
Bright colors, innate geometries and a skilful use of proportions and volumes are the starting point from which Paolo Bindini Canal’s pictorial vein unfolds.
The houses, the villages, the urban agglomerations and the unfurled sails, suspended in a borderland between reality and fantasy, take shape from his creative hand.
The colors, the atmosphere at various times of the day take on a casual, intense, exciting perspective.